Banking Services in Greater ChinaBanking Services in Greater China

Banking Services in China


  • Property Mortgage Loanfor Non-residents 

(Applicable to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan permanent residents and foreign passport holders)

  •  Designated currencies include HKD, USD and CNY

  •  Flexible repayment tenor up to 30 years2

  •  Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio up to 70%3

  •  Preferential loan interest rate

  • Corporate Loan 

  •  Trade Financing for Import and Export

  •  Small and Medium Enterprise Loan

  •  Syndicated Loan

  1. Properties located in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other cities located in the Pearl River Delta.
  2. Only applicable for loans in CNY for purchase of residential property, and up to 20 years for foreign currency loans for other financing purposes.
  3. Only applicable for purchase of residential property.